Cheah: August 2022 panelist on “The Future of Science on Racism”

In addition to understanding how racism impacts the development of youth and their families, I am also actively engaged in the dialogue around racism in the psychological sciences.  This August (2022), I was honored to  a panelist titled “The Future of Science on Racism: A Conversation with the Experts” at the American Psychological Association Convention with Dr. NiCole Buchanan, Dr. Eleanor Seaton, and Dr. Gabriela Livas Stein, which was moderated by Dr. Mia Smith Bynum, PhD. During this panel, we discussed various topics around issues of racism and science, such as the role psychologists should play in advancing the scholarship in science of racism, the systemic racism embedded in the production of the science itself, what effective allyship looks like in the scholarship of racism, and the roles of organizations (e.g., professional organizations, academic institutions, university leadership) have in perpetuating or countering these practices and their impacts.